开车时可以进行的car schooling
开车接送孩子时,你是否尝试过car schooling(车内教育)呢?利用这段闲散的时间和孩子互动是个不错的选择呢,不过要把好方向盘哦。
Assuming you've already helped your children select their activities thoughtfully, but still find yourself in the car several hours a week, there are things you can do to make the best of your car time together.
Author Diane Flynn Keith recognized the problem a few years ago and coined the phrase "car schooling" to describe activities and ideas she used to enhance the time she spent shuttling her children around. Car schooling, she says in her book by the same name, is "an alternative approach to home schooling and after schooling, designed to improve everyone's time on the road."
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