How often have you been in a productive business meeting only to have it come to a grinding halt because of something someone said? It happens all the time. A negative comment or a pessimistic concern can not only bring down morale, it can derail an entire strategy. I am convinced that there is no limit to what a team can accomplish if they were to eliminate these five destructive phrases。不知这样的事儿是不是经常在你工作中发生:你正在开一个高效的的商务会议,这时某人说了某句话使得整个会议戛然而止?这样的事儿经常发生。一句负面的评论或者一句消极的担忧不但会降低士气,还会破坏整个策略。我相信,只要一个团队可以避免讲这五句糟糕的话,就没什么是他们没法完成的了。
1. "I can't (fill in the blank)."“1.我不能(自行填空)。”
Few other words in the English lexicon irk me more than the word "can't." Okay, technically, it is two words conjugated. Nevertheless, "can't" is a killer. It is one of the most commonly used ways of dodging and dishing off responsibility. It is just another way of saying "won't," as in "I won't do what I need to do to get it done." Remember, whether you think you can or think you can't...you're right。字典上再也没有什么字比“不能”更令我厌烦的了。好吧,专业地说,这是由两个字组成的。然而,“不能”是一个终结者,它是人们推卸和躲避责任的惯用词。它只是“不想”的另一种说法,比如“我不想做某件我必须要做的事儿。”记住,不管你觉得你能还是不能,你都是对的。
2. "That's not the way it's done." 2.“那不是这样的。”
Like every paradigm throughout history, at some point or another, things change. Conducting business status quo may keep you on the current trend, but to be a standout, you must do and think unlike anyone else. Great ideas and concepts come from disruptors who drive outside the lines, and nothing revolutionary ever came from doing things "the way they are done."正如历史上所有的范例一样,世事常变,无物永驻。指导业务现状或许能使你留在当前的潮流中,但你若是想脱颖而出,你的想法和做法就要与别人不同。那些伟大的想法和观念来自那些不走寻常路的破坏者,没有什么革命性的创举是按照事情“应该怎么做”来做就能达成的。
3. "That's impossible."3.“那不可能。”
My dad once told me that the only thing that is impossible is for a man to have a baby.Everything else is in the realm of possibility. I replied by saying, "You can't make the sky green." He then proceeded to draw a picture and color the sky green. It was an exaggeration, but I got the point. We are limited only by the limitations we place on our own realm of possibility. And, by his rationale, even my dad was wrong.Arnold Swartzenegger had a baby。我父亲有一次告诉我,对男人来说唯一不可能的事情是生一个孩子,剩余所有的事儿都是可能的。”接着他画了一张图,上面天空的颜色是绿色的。那是一种夸张的手法,但我领会了重点。我们只是被我们自己给自己设定的限制所限制住了。按照这个理论,即使我爸爸也错了,阿诺德施瓦辛格就生了个孩子。(小编注:这里是电影《威龙二世》的梗,电影里的施瓦辛格因为一位科学怪人开发的生育药剂而怀上了孩子。)
4. "If we only had money."4.“只要我们有钱。”
Many entrepreneurs and managers often dream and quip of the endless business possibilities we would have if only we had the flexibility of a huge financial war chest at our disposal. Unfortunately, you do not have Apple's $150M cash reserve, so get used to it. Remember, however, that even Apple started out in a garage with very little money。很多企业家和管理者经常梦想和自嘲假如我们有巨量的可支配资金的话,我们会有多么广大的商业机会。不辛的是,你并没有苹果那样的1亿5千万的现金储备,所以习惯着点儿吧。记得,即使是苹果,最初也只是凭借一点点的资金从一个车库里起步的。
5. "The problem is (fill in the blank)."5.“问题在于(自行填空)。”
There are 7 billion people in the world. Of them, 6.999 billion of them are really, really good at identifying problems (note: that is not a scientific study). The rest are the successful business leaders who are really, really good at identifying solutions. The only time the word "problem" should come up in a meeting is if it is preceded with the words "I think I've have found a solution to the ..."世界上有70亿人。他们中至少有69.99亿人非常非常善于认定问题(注:这不是啥科学统计)。剩下的那些人非常非常善于认定解决方案,而他们成为了成功的商业领袖。“问题”这个词唯一应该出现的场合是在一个会议上,并且紧随其后的是一句“我认为我们已经找到了如下的解决方案……”。
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